The report on transfusion activity in Slovenia during the COVID-19 epidemic Link to Library Več..
Slovenia has also joined the celebration of World Marrov Donor Day. We are thanking the donors who already have donated, and donors who are on the global registry waiting to donate. We received a lot of media coverage. Medical director of the Registry and successfully transplanted... Več..
Special publication on the 70th anniversary of transfusion service in Slovenia "Life flows because of you..." Več..
On June 4 th we are celebrating Slovenian Blood Donor Day . On this day, in 1945, we have already drawn 19 bottles of blood. Blood donation has a long and also very successful tradition in Slovenia. For years we are providing sufficient quantities of safe and quality blood. We would not be... Več..
12.05.2025 | | Podiplomska šola transfuzijske medicine za zdravnike, med. biokem... (12. do 23. maj 2025) |