Therapeutic whole blood collection is intended to remove excessive cells or harmful components when treating patients with blood and haematopoietic organ diseases, such as hemochromatosis, polycythaemia (the so-called thick blood), porphyria etc.
The time and quantity of the blood drawn are determined by the treating physician and transfusion medicine expert.
You can make an appointment for blood donation on working days between 8 and 9 a.m. at the telephone number 01/54 38 327, where you will receive additional instructions and explanations.
Blood is collected on Tuesdays and Wednesdays between 7 a.m. and 2 p.m.
You are kindly asked to enclose any test results or findings to the referral note.
Before blood is drawn, patients MUST eat a non-fat meal, such as a slice of bread with jam, tea, juice or coffee, and take their regular medications. DO NOT attend a blood drive ON AN EMPTY STOMACH.
12.05.2025 | | Podiplomska šola transfuzijske medicine za zdravnike, med. biokem... (12. do 23. maj 2025) |